Suicide in New Zealand’s Construction Industry Workforce: Factors Identified in Coronial Reports

This report presents the results of a study that analysed the content of coronial reports for suicides in New Zealand’s construction industry through the lens of factors drawn from the wider suicide research literature.

BRANZ Study Report ER40
Dr Kate Bryson, Janette Doblas, Dr Christopher Stachowski,
Andy Walmsley

This report provides neither solutions nor frameworks for preventing
suicides in New Zealand’s construction industry. It is an objective
technical report offering for the first time evidence-based details that
can be used to inform views about what dimensions suicide prevention
and mental health education initiatives should address. Further, it
offers some baselines to support any future efforts to evaluate impact.
Ideally, any action prompted by this report will be coordinated in
nature and include the construction industry, the mental health
sector, government and the research community. These actors have
the wherewithal to determine what format suicide prevention and
mental health education initiatives should take. Working together, this
group can use the evidence presented in this report to influence the
phenomenon of suicide in New Zealand’s construction industry




Site Safe | Workplace Health and Safety | NZ Safety | OSH. (n.d.). Retrieved from